Rapper Kikky Badass fumes over ‘grown men’ feasting on Mai Titi daughter’s nudes

By Showbiz Reporter

Popular rapper Kikky Badass has hit out at ‘grown men’ she accused of sharing and feasting on leaked nudes of socialite Mai Titi’s daughter.

In a Facebook post on Thursday, Kikky Badass, born Christabell Stembeni Mahlungwa, said the girl should be forgiven for making the mistake.

She said;

It’s sad to see grown men and women sharing photos and circulating them considering the fact that she is a minor.

We have all made mistakes, especially when we were younger, she didn’t know better, of course she never even anticipated something like this would happen.

She trusted someone and was betrayed. Hakuna mubereki asingade kuti mwana wake aita zvakanakawo muhupenyu. The news spread like wildfire simply because of who her mother is.

Of course vamwe vatoona zvakakodzera to settle their scores na mai vake asi in the process the person who is greatly affected is the girl.

People are speaking as if they have life figured out, to err is human. Vamwe varikutoita crazier things vatori vanhu vakuru. As a mother or father why are you sharing pictures of a minor who made the grave mistake to trust someone Bcz they thought it’s what will make the boyfriend happy? So many people had kids in high school vamwe were raised by single mothers Bcz of 1 mistake asi makuda kuzviita ma holier than thou.

Yet mune ma bible verse written. Yall claim to be God fearing yet you judge with zero compassion or grace but moda kuti Mwari vakunzwirei tsitsi. Asking for grace but can’t give it to others. Shame, Misikanzwa imwe yataiita taitumwa here nevabereki or tayiita zvemsoro wedu.

She needs and support and love. Come on she is a minor guys. We know the paedophiles are very active today. And woman acting like they don’t know how many mistakes teenagers make.

They are trying to navigate and find their own path, most times you run into situations were love takes over common sense yotorashika. She made a mistake.

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