Harare City Council orders renovations on city buildings

Non-compliant property owners to face sanctions prescribed under by-laws

By Staff Reporter

The City of Harare has ordered owners of deteriorating buildings in and around the Harare central business district to give them a facelift or face sanctions.

In a statement, Harare town clerk Hosiah Chisango said the order for property owners to improve the appearance of their buildings was in line with the country’s by-laws.


THE CITY OF Harare, Is hereby giving notice to all property owners and occupants of buildings in the Central Business District (CBD) and those outside of the CBD, to renew or regenerate their buildings and/or properties either through repairs, refurbishments and/or repainting. In terms of Section 49 (1) Chapter 2 of the Model building By-Laws (1977) the status of some buildings/properties contravenes the requirements which state that:

NO person shall allow any building constructed upon premises of which he is the owner or occupier to become (a) a danger to the health of persons occupying or using the building, or to the health of the public or (b) the source of unpleasant fumes, smoke or odours, or (c) unsightly or a disfigurement to the neighbourhood, or (d) in any other way offensive or embarrassing to the people living or working upon the premises or in the neighbourhood.

Buildings and Properties in the FIRST LOT are those requiring renewal and are found along the following eleven (11) major roads in the city:

1: Robert Mugabe Way (from Rotten Row to Samora Machel Avenue.

2: Jason Moyo Street (from Rotten Row to Simon Vengesayi Muzenda Street – 4th St.)

3: Samora Machel Avenue (Kuwadzana Roundabout to Msasa.)

4: Leopold Takawira Street (from Downtown Tuckshops to Westgate Shopping Centre.)

5: Julius Nyerere Way (from Railways Flyover to Sam Nujoma Street – formerly 2nd St )

6: First Street (from Robert Mugabe Way to Samora Machel Avenue)

7: Seventh Street (from Nelson Mandela Street to Josiah Tongogara Street.)

 8: Enterprise Road (from Robert Mugabe Way to Harare Drive.)Ok

9: Seke Road (from Railways Flyover to Maruta Shops.)

10: Airport Road (from Arcadia Township to RG Mugabe International Airport.)

11: Fidel Castro-Simon Mazorodze (from Julius Nyerere Way to Mbudzi Roundabout.)

Buildings and Properties in the SECOND LOT are those requiring renewal but fall outside the eleven (11) major city roads listed above.

Accordingly, all property owners and occupants of buildings in the areas stated above are requested to comply with the aforesaid By- Laws or submit written representations in connection with this matter within two (2) weeks of this public notice, to the Director of Works, Cleveland House 92 Leopold Takawira Street, falling which council shall apply the requirements of Section 56 (Subsections 1-6) of the said By-Laws to enforce compliance.

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