Bulawayo Polytechnic bans ‘revealing’ clothes by students, visitors  

By Caleb Chikwawawa

Authorities at the Bulawayo Polytechnic have banned wearing “revealing” and “see-through” clothing and other forms of dress codes viewed indecent at the tertiary institution.

In a notice to the Bulawayo Polytechnic Community, college principal Chiedza Masanganise drew a list of dress codes she said were now prohibited at the tertiary institution.

“Please be advised that the following dressing is not recommended on Bulawayo Polytechnic Campus/Institution,” she said before listing the forbidden dress codes.

Among them are “ripped jeans, sleeveless tops and dresses, string tops and string dresses, blouses or tops that leave the stomach out, off shoulder tops and dresses, tops and dresses that reveal breast cleavages, tops and dresses that leave the back open (back outs), biker and bum shorts.”

The college has also banned “skin tights and other tight fitting clothes, skirts, shorts and dresses that are more than 5 centimeters above the knees, see through clothes, dropping off of trousers and shorts as well as vents that are more than 5cm above the knee.”

Masanganise added, “If not properly dressed, the client shall be asked to correct before accessing any Bulawayo Polytechnic facilities and services. As an Institution, we encourage you all to dress accordingly.”

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